Presentation - Lean Coffee Introduction


  1. Introduction to meetup
    1. Welcome
    2. Agenda
      1. Lean Coffee 18:30 - 20:00
        1. Voting for topics
        2. Discussions
      2. Retrospective/Pizza&Beers 20:00 - 21:00
  2. Lean Coffee
    1. Problem
      1. Presentations are disengaging
      2. Expectations often are unmet
      3. You have limited influence over the topics
    2. Solution: Lean Coffee
      1. You create topics that can be picked
      2. You vote on topics
      3. You lead the conversations
    3. How does it work (title slide)
      1. Retrospective where we pick and vote for the topics
      2. 3x15m sessions to talk about the topics on the list in order
      3. You can always agree to prolong or to cut discussion short
      4. Modification: We divide into 6 people groups to be more engaged
      5. Modification: At the end of each session I'd like to hear some highlights from each group
      6. (We will be leading you in each of the steps)
    4. Story: Lean Startup in Speakers Club
      1. I always wanted to lead meetups
      2. and found this great lean coffee technique
      3. I never liked to prepare for the meetings as it consumes a lot of time and doesn't give much for the time spent
      4. Lean coffee was answer for my dislikes
      5. Meeting was very engaging
      6. We talked about: Impostor Syndrome, Dry Runs, Improvisation
      7. We had even notes: link
      8. However we had few problems
        1. Too far digressions
        2. Not everybody being engaged
        3. Urge just to say something - not to contribute
  3. Invitation for presentation about having a good discussion by Grzegorz Kotfis