Lean Coffee Process

Lean Coffee

Variant with Choreography

Set Up

  • X stations with limited numbers of chairs (up to 8)
  • Flipchart per station, markers (optimally 1/person), sticky notes


  1. (Optional A) Impromptu Networking - get people to know each other better [15min]
  2. Division into groups of 5-8 people [5min]
  3. Choosing topics [15min]
    1. Each person proposes a topic as a sticky note
    2. Similar topics are merged
    3. Everyone has 3 dots to vote
    4. 3 topics with the highest number of votes win
  4. (Optional B) Each team shares topics of their choosings [2min/team]
  5. Talks [60min]
    1. Topic is being conducted for 20 minutes
    2. (People may make notes on sticky notes, doodling, etc.)
    3. (Optional B) People can move to other tables (but limit per station should be preserved)
    4. The next topic gets addressed
  6. (Optional C) Summary [15min]
    1. Each person shares what was the most impactful for him during the lean coffee


Full (A+B+C) = ~2h
Optimal (B+C) = ~1h45
Minimum (with shortened talks to 15minutes) = 1h
