

Case Snippet Component Props export let baz = undefined; Templating: Props <a href="page/{p}">page {p}</a>

Published on 19 days ago


ArgoCD Log

Published on 19 days ago


Helm Log

Published on 19 days ago

k8s operators

Operators Postgresql Name Minimal configuration Backups One DB for all zalando/postgres-operator KubeDB Zalando Minimal Configuration…

Published on 19 days ago


e - allows to edit changes : - use for changing the type of resource

Published on 19 days ago

Agile Manifesto We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we…

Published on 19 days ago

What is agile

Agile is defined by [ Agile Manifesto ]

Published on 19 days ago

The Root

Always Fresh Structure of working 2024 2024-10 "" 2024-09 Lean Coffee JDD [ Lean Coffee JDD 2024 ] 2024-07 nolensum Konstelacje i Słowo Moja…

Published on 13 days ago

Lean Coffee JDD 2024

Marketing Post Wrowadzający Porozmawiaj z uczestnikami na temat, który jest dla Ciebie ważny, na JDD 2024. Na nadchodzącym JDD na ścieżce…

Published on 13 days ago

How to diet

Current iteration Balance 2024-10 BASE Eggs (For Everything except Vitamin C and Carbohytrates) Rice (For Carbohytrates) Rokitnik (For…

Published on 6 days ago

Map of All Notes