
24-04-2022 Infoshare BIO

Od 2016 rozwijam się jako programista w firmach takich jak: Samsung, Atlassian, Goodnotes. Prowadziłem swoje własne projekty, by uczyć się…

Published on 19 days ago

List of previous performances

WDI 2022 - Solid w praktyce - Solid w praktyce 3QA 52 - Błędy są super 3QA 45 - Three Stories on eXtreme Programming DDD - Story Telling…

Published on 19 days ago

My Photos

Published on 19 days ago


List of thing to do quick trying strange options quick debugging look google look github issues (IMPORTANT) look github issues (IMPORTANT…

Published on 19 days ago

Feature Dependency Breakdown Process

A graph made by asking a question what needs to be done to achieve A, done until all things are understood. Having real similarity to work…

Published on 19 days ago

Implementation Plan

Example: lot of code in implementation plans Implementation Plan: Technical document Requirements from PRD resolved in Implementation Plans…

Published on 19 days ago

Process of Development

#software-development Planning Have a high level plan Implementation Preparing See if you can easily test something See if you can easily…

Published on 19 days ago

Process of the Days

week monday Time for the planning/designing work for whole week, so I don't need to think all the time recurrence everyweek Write down any…

Published on 19 days ago

Hackerspace Experiences

Hackerspace Experiences

Published on 19 days ago


Hackerspace Vortex Process

Published on 19 days ago

Map of All Notes