
Formal Methods

Lambda 2023 - Lars Hupel Isabelle = Functional Programming + Generates into haskell and others Book: Programming + Proving in Isabella…

Published on 19 days ago


Expressions expression meaning local x = 2 variable local Smth(x=2) = {y = x} z function function (x) x\*x lambda [x * x for x in std…

Published on 19 days ago


Image for a whole slide Beamer Template Big Sentence Frame Title Create Title Screen

Published on 19 days ago



Published on 19 days ago

Quick Prototyping Software

Don't write migrations Use Code from hibernate:…

Published on 19 days ago



Published on 19 days ago

Tech Radar

ThoughtWorks tech radar

Published on 19 days ago

People I can invite to Programmer Events

Ziomki poznani z More Than Code Michał Kurzelewski Mateusz Guziak Hsp Norbert Szulc Hs3 Grzesiu (Haggis) Ziomo z hs3 (Yashikuto)

Published on 19 days ago

(2021-12-29) Meeting With Piotr Trębacz - about

I met with [ Piotr Trębacz ]. Recently, we met in [ Sultan Club ] for a talk about consulting, especially about[ Accenture ]. We talked…

Published on 19 days ago

(2021-xx-xx) Active Students X-MAS Party

This event is organized by [ KMS ]

Published on 19 days ago

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