Meetings with Bartosz Wojtasiak

2022-03-31 About companies and meetups

Meeting with Bartosz Wojtasiak from Objectivity


  1. Objectivity and their interest in DDD
  2. Contacts to other companies that would be interested in attandance or sponsoring the meetup
    1. What companies can sponsor
    2. When do they want to sponsor?
  3. Would you like to host the meetup on 21st of September
  4. Is it possible to live of meetup?


Krzysztof Rudnicki - person interested in DDD
No idea if C# meetup in objectivity will happen which is around

Recruitment is the most important aspect of sponsorship
Sponsors will find themselves after we grow meetup
It is important not to look from outside like hosting something under organisation, because it will limit amount of people coming

End of this week or the next for me:

  • What are we doing and for whom - prepare a marketing pack
  • Write to the people from some of companies

and for Bartosz:
