Meetings with Agnieszka Cieslawska
2022-09-19 Facilitations and whatnots
Principles generation
As a retrospective chilling on 2022-09-03 Generacja Pryncypalek.
Purpose: Create principles for Hackerspace Pomorze
Result: List of the principles in the md document
No. | Technique | Description | Cognitive Feedback |
1 | 1-2-4 | Remember good and bad situations and share them to get feedback if they are understandable and inspire others | People were not quite inspired with other people's situations and didn't get much feedback on their cards |
2 | 5 whys in pair | Understanding why this situations were important for us | It greatly refined and reduced situations to the core |
3 | reduction in fours | Grouping in four people groups to reduce the amount of duplicates | we finally didn't do it |
4 | Min Specs | Generate principles and reduce them to meet all the situations | Here a friend took over initiative as it would be too much - we came into synchronous way of doing, grouping and generating |
We created quite a big list of principles covering most of our culture - Lista pryncypalek hsp
Idea for workshop
- On the small meeting get ideas of the important lifecycles in the lifecycle of the company
- Organise panarchy workshop and for each ecocycle try to assign DomainDrivenDesign and Project Management techniques used
- Use Shift&Share using half of the group of each table to share the findings
Ad. Principles Generation
15% solutions - rozwiązanie
Burza mózgów -> Grupowanie Kartek -> Dot Voting -> 5 Why w grupach? -> Często nie trzeba Min Specsów używać, dać tylko porozmawiać
Zdefiniowanie obszarów
Zdefiniowanie ilości pryncypiów
Wierzyć w mądrość ludzi i nie trzeba min specsów używać
Po czym poznam, że to działa
Za dużo liberating structures też może ograniczyć
Negatywny język w pryncypałkach
P2P by zdefiniować najpierw wartości
Facylitacja ma dzielić osoby na mniejsze grupy, albo zaangażować wszystkich w dużych
Nie za dużo technik
Skupić się na wartościach najpierw
- Zobaczyć inne burze mózgów: 6-3-5 - Pamiętaj o zdefiniowaniu celu
- See online foreign events
- Zobaczyć aplikacje Storytelling
- Używać google
Ad. Idea for workshop
Precise what needs to be defined on the poster!!!
Define exactly the value
Do we need first time with ecocycle on something easier
Panarchy? Or different lifecycle
[ ] Read more about lifecycle
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[ ] Poczytać liberatorsów
[ ] Jaka jest alternatywa do lifecycl, która lepiej pasuje?
[ ] Simon Wardley - watch him
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