Domain Story Telling - Workshop
- Side Panel
- Conditions
- Notes
- Main Screen
- Core
- Actor
- Item
- Support
- Annotations
- Core
- Mouse!
- Player Stories
- Book
- Introduction
- Introduction to meetup
- Danke for Monika Serafin and Dynatrace
- DDD Meetup - independent DDD meetup
- Sweet sauce - support for speakers and interactive meetings
- Please stay for the snacks later to join the organizers table
- Introduction to today's workshop
- Purpose
- Teach you how to use domain story telling on the practical example
- Establish organisational foundation for the next DDD meetups
- Let you meet new people
- Plan
- Impromptu networking
- Two part workshop
- Mapping business process
- Creating an optimised version
- Purpose
- Introduction to meetup
- Impromptu Networking
- Questions
- Why have you come to the meeting
- What do you want to do with the knowledge you gain
- Questions
- Mapping
- (Experience) Example: Story Telling of organizing meetup - Karo is a storyteller, I'm a mapper.
- Annotate: Duplication of event creation was a pain point
- Define Bounded Contexts here
- (Reflection) From your observations, what are the building blocks of this technique.
- (Actualization) Definitions
- In this zoom scope we focus on one path with given conditions - we don't try to map whole systems
- Actor and Items interactions create ubiquitous language
- nouns are value objects/entities/things
- verbs are actions (see CQRS)
- Annotations are given for wider context of the process
- (Questions)
- (Doing) Example: Inventory System
- Setup
- Group per 5 people, 2 devs, 2 experts, 1 mapper
- Map one of the stories
- Happy path of design and assembly of circuit board
- Put focus on
- Wording, nouns, verbs - full sentences = It will become our ubiquitous language
- Actors are not duplicated, but work items may
- Conditions defining exactly what is the path - define them for happy path e.g. there is enough of items, we start from design and end on assembly
- Annotate pain points and other places that may be crucial for understanding the model or optimizing.
- Setup
- (Reflection -> Actualization) showing together different mappings
- (Doing) Updating their models
- (Experience) Example: Story Telling of organizing meetup - Karo is a storyteller, I'm a mapper.
- Optimizing
- (Experience) Example: Optimizing the process
- We have picked most easily optimisable piece
- We have created syncronium to remove the burden of creating event in two places
- Introduction of the concept of the System
- (Questions)
- (Doing)
- Focus:
- Pick one/few of the bounded contexts and try to optimize it (possibly using the system)
- Try not to go into the implementation details, stay in the domain
- Focus:
- (Reflection -> Actualization) showing together different mappings
- (Experience) Example: Optimizing the process
- Reflection
- Summary
- What was the most impactful for us in this workshop
- Any feedback?
- Summary
- Round table
- Responsibilities of the organizers
- Switching in the responsibility of organizing the meetup
- Helping keynote to create workshop
- Reserving Place
- Creating meetup event
- Helping keynote to write down the description
- Being a host of the meeting
- Introducing the keynote
- Executing some facilitation
- Moving people for the drinks
- Responsibilities of the organizers
- Too long