- Define how our DDD meetup will look like
- Define range of dates for a meetup (26 April)
- @Dariusz should prepare skeleton (19 April)
- @Dariusz send bio and description (14 April) (presentation 50min) (workshop 40min)
- @Piotr Create event on meetup
- @Dastin Sandura try out the workshop
- @Piotr SuwaĆa try php on linux
Risks & Chance:
- Look for php meetup
- PHP editor: vscode
- What we want to teach on this meetup
- Your vision
- Mine vision
- Challenges with Event Driven Architecture in DDD
- Outcome: Any changes to the presentation
- The Agenda for the meetup
- What after presentation?
- Introduction for axon framework
- Troika Consulting?
- Interview?
- What after presentation?
Goal of the presentation:
- Show how messaging system can solve different problems
- Show how it can be solved using Ecotone framework
Workshop Definition:
- Path
- Messaging as a way to asynchronously retry problematic actions
- 3rd time successful
- Simple event sourced aggregate with rules
- Implementation from skeleton
- Messaging as a way to asynchronously retry problematic actions
- Docker
- Retrying tests on each change
FinishCommand -> Order -> MailService (3rd succees)
FinishCommand -> Order -Event-> --retries--> MailService (3rd succees)